Thursday, August 30, 2012


                      -->Its ORANGE day!!! :))) Orange is one of my favorite colors... Even by simple shirts, it can make your day beautiful as you are. Some of my friends asked me: "Bakit mo gusto ang orange?" Well, sabi ko naman: "Actually, d ko alam. But, every time I saw an orange-colored   dress/shirts, am attracted to it. I really don't know". Another fact is that, it is not commonly used by many. right?
                      Simple, unique, glamour, what else you can describe when you're wearing clothes w/ your  favorite color.  For me, that made you different in the eyes of everybody... :))

Here's my first photo wearing this simple casual attire. Before going out from my room, I asked      my housemate to take a picture on me first. So, this is it! First Try.

This is the second shot. Nicer?  hehe Am excited to go out w/ friends already! uh!

and, here it goes... :)
It'll be a perfect day for me... AM ALMOST READY! :)

side view :)
Oops! belly fats? 'itago muna kita ha. hehe! 

Now w/ white blazer.

Totally Gal! :) 

what can u say about the footwear?
Of course, I always choose for the best shoes that is appropriate in every occasion.
1. Headband, GIRLS SHOPPE
2. Tops, PINK MNL
4. Shoes, CELINE

One of my friends from Centro Escolar University, my former classmate,  loves Orange Color too.  I uploaded one of these pictures in my FB account then she liked it. I tagged her in one of my comments and she suddenly replied: "waaah...dhendi. hahah", wala na masabi ang friend ko... 

Here's for you, Gem! :)) 

Another blog. Another chance to thank you to the readers :) 

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